Sunday, March 14, 2010

Day 2.

For the 2nd day of Spring Break we went to the Arizona Science Center.
We've got a membership so we've gone a couple times now. 
Today we checked out their new exhibit:  Face Your Fears.
The first room, Fear of Animals, had this table with tarantulas and scorpions and stuff on it and then it said, "Have any animals crawled into the black box? Reach inside and find out."
The husband wasn't afraid. 
 (They had fake spiders and snakes inside the boxes where you reached in)
Here's Maylyn reaction when we told her to stick her hand in. She's saying, no way!
*Notice that Kaeleigh won't even walk into the room.  She is VERY fearful of anything new or unknown.*
The second room, Fear of Loud Noises, had a seat and you watched yourself being taped on a tv screen while some scary music was played.  Think cheesy haunted house music.  Then all of a sudden a loud gunshot rings out.  Naturally you jump at the noise and the screen plays back your reaction in slow motion.
Holy crap, it was hilarious!  I wish I had gotten my reaction on tape, it was priceless.
Speaking of priceless, this is Kaeleigh before I told her to come sit with me to be taped.  She had already watched Bill and Maylyn do it.
Annnnd, here she is after.
I'm sorry, I know I'm horrible but I could not stop laughing.  Mean mama!
The next room was Fear of Electric Shock.  Do you think Kaeleigh wanted any part of that? Not a chance!
Maylyn did it, no surprise, that girl is fearless.
The last room was Fear of Falling.
The husband got all strapped in and then it lifted him up and dropped him backwards.  Taping him and his reaction the whole time.
It wasn't as funny as some of the other people's reactions because he doesn't scare easy.
Maylyn thought this guy was hilarious.  His name was Mr. Goosebumps and he showed your body's reaction to fear.  Heart pumping, goosebumps and breaking out in a sweat, knocking knees and peeing. 
Naturally that last part is what Maylyn found funny.
I can't remember the point of this little room (fear of animal attacks or something) but if you moved too much then a cougar "attacked" you.
That's me and Maylyn. (Notice the cougar "attacking me.") Guess where Kaeleigh was...she ran through there and didn't even look back!
We left the scary stuff and took a little plane ride.
Then we learned about how the rivers and oceans erode the land.
We got wind blown and rained on during the Forces of Nature Immersion Theatre.
Maylyn was using this generator to create enough electricity to run the radio.
Before we left we decided to check out the IMAX theatre.
We saw Under the Sea in 3D.  Hence the glasses.
Kaeleigh kept these glasses on less than 5 minutes because she got scared and refused to put them back on.  Maylyn actually kept hers on almost the whole time.  They were a little big on her though and she had trouble keeping them on her face.  If you have a chance to check out Under the Sea in 3D you really should, it was so AWESOME!  Bill and I both loved it.  Maylyn liked that there were some seals at the end that were right in her face and gave her a "kiss."
I think all the fun (and maybe some of the fear) tuckered them out because this is what I saw in the back seat about 10 minutes after we left.
Check back tomorrow for Day 3 of our Spring Break!


  1. Looks like fun! I may have to take Emma sometime soon. How was the membership price, comparable to the zoo?

  2. The membership that we have is priced at $85. We got it for $70 because Kaeleigh got a coupon through school. I think it's worth it. You get discounts on IMAX and other exhibits like that Face your Fears thing, and you get member only previews and things like that. If we hadn't had our membership that visit would have cost us $138.
