Friday, April 23, 2010

Birthday Playdate.

Today we had another playdate at McDonalds for Maylyn's friend Carson's birthday.
It was really difficult getting pictures of the kids as they ran past me and somehow I still managed to take 53 pictures!  Here's some of my favs:

Maylyn in a bubble.
I told her to stand still for a sec.
Eating lunch with her buddy Easton.  I had double booked myself on playdates so Christene and Easton tagged along with us.
Jack, Mikey, Maylyn & Easton.

Maylyn with her Happy Meal toy.
All the kids around birthday boy Carson. (In orange.)
And our attempt at a group shot. 
Almost every 4 year old was looking.  That equals successful picture to me.  :)

1 comment:

  1. Good grief Karen two trips to McDonalds in one week! What kind of mother does that? By the way don't ask how many times we have visited Chick-fil-A in one week! :o)
