Monday, November 1, 2010


With Halloween on a Sunday this year,
I wasn't sure if people would actually be trick-or-treating.
(Who makes the rules anyway?)
But we went over to my aunt's house for a couple hours so that the kids could trick-or-treat with their cousins.
Kaeleigh, Cameron, Maylyn
The girls were fairies this year and Kaeleigh really wanted face paint so I tried to be creative.
I've never painted their faces before but I think it turned out awesome!

 The kids got so much candy that Maylyn couldn't carry her bucket anymore.
I had to carry it between houses and then she would take it up to the doors and get more candy.  It was hilarious.
They're already talking about next year.

On another note, today is my friend Jill's birthday!
Hop on over to her blog and wish her a Happy Birthday!


  1. what an awesome hidden talent you have. Seriously, you should hire yourself out for parties. Their faces look great.

  2. Awww, they are so cute & their faces look great! GOOD JOB!
