Tuesday, December 28, 2010

This week...

Yikes.  A week and a half since I last blogged? 
I would blame the holidays but that's only part of the reason.
The last time I blogged Maylyn was fighting pneumonia, the flu and an ear infection.
A couple days later, Kaeleigh got an ear infection as well.
By the time Christmas rolled around I had a sinus infection.
And here it it, three days after Christmas and Maylyn is sick again.  :(
Last night we made a trip to the emergency room because she started running a fever again and the right side of her neck swelled up.
The poor child had to get blood drawn, and an IV put in, and have an ultrasound done on her neck.

She fell asleep in my lap.  :(

My view of the waiting room...Maylyn's IV and the tv.
It turns out that she has a deep lymph node infection.
She looks so miserable it's breaking my heart!
The ER doctors said to keep an eye on her, that she might have trouble breathing with all the swelling so I have her sleeping next to me on an air mattress in the living room.
I'm not able to sleep because I'm listening to every sound that she makes so I figured since I'm up at 3 am, I might as well catch up on some blogging!

On one of the few days that we were all relatively well, we took a trip to the zoo with our friends.  Apparently, right at about 10am is the perfect time to visit the zoo.
All of the animals are getting fed or are about to be fed and are up walking around in anticipation.
We saw a ton of animals that we normally don't get a few good view of.

 Christmas Eve was spent with my dad's side of the family...it's tradition.
I got this awesome shot of all of the "little" kids.
They're not so little anymore!

 We took a TON of photos.
Here's a pose that my mom requested.
My parents with their children.  The spouses of their children.  And the grandchildren.
I thought I had loaded the pics from Christmas day on my computer but I guess not.
Imagine us in our pjs and that's what a lot of the pictures look like.

Only a couple of more days until the new year.  Here's hoping everyone is well at our house...

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