Saturday, March 19, 2011


We took a quick trip up north for Spring Break.
The spot where we normally camp was closed.
Not really sure why...there was next to no snow left up there.
My poor deprived children had never seen snow.  
Kaeleigh saw it and said, "What's that white stuff?"
 The Husband and I were laughing pretty hard at that.

 They had fun sliding around.
We found another campsite nearby thanks to the Hubs.
Dinner was delicious.
We made mini sliders.
Definitely don't mess around with food when we camp.
 The temperature got down to 40 degrees overnight.
I bundled the kids up in the morning so they could go walk Jake by the creek.
 The kids were nice and cozy on the trip home.

Especially Jake...that is one spoiled dog!

1 comment:

  1. I love seeing your camping posts. Too funny about the snow.

    No, we do not have to pay when people mention our blog. We have just had to pay for the legal stuff and for design work and all the little stuff that adds up.

    Hope you enjoyed the rest of your spring break.
