Kaeleigh turned 9 years old last week!
It's very hard to believe that I have a nine year old. It's seems like just yesterday we were celebrating her first birthday:
She has grown into such a beautiful little girl.
Her birthday celebrations spanned over several days.
We spent the evening before her birthday having dinner with my family. Kaeleigh picked the meal and chose cod. Random, right? She really likes the way her Papa makes cod. I didn't get a chance to make a cake so we went to Costco and she picked out a pumpkin cheesecake that was delicious!
Then she got to open presents.
She was so excited to get two gift cards to Bookmans. The girl loves to read!
The morning of her birthday I woke her up to open her present before school.
She is always reading these Animorph books so The Husband and I found the entire set on eBay and bought it for her. Over 60 books...that should keep her busy for like a month. :)
After school we drove out to Krispy Kreme to get her her free birthday donut.
Maylyn approved.
On Saturday we had her "friends" birthday party at Skateland in Chandler.
Kaeleigh had never skated before but it turns out they have skatemates to help with that!
My sister was such a good sport and was one of the designated adult skaters.
As part of the birthday package, Kaeleigh got to go in the swirling air prize machine. She was afraid to go in but went anyway and earned 440 tickets!
Afterwards she got to take a turn in the DJ booth and pick a song to play over the speakers. She chose "Bad Romance" by Lady Gaga.
Hey there's Maylyn!
Ryan was there too. He looks thrilled.
Kaeleigh was completely freaked out by these candles. They were all connected so that when you lit one there was a domino effect that lit the others. See how she's leaning away from the table? Scared her to death!
Our party helper told the kids that whoever sang the loudest would get free tickets and that's why they all have their mouths open. :)
Kaeleigh deemed it the best week ever!
Happy 9th Birthday Kaeleigh!
We love you!!
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