Ryan is eight months old!
At eight months old he:
* weighs 22 pounds 9 ounces
* Still wears a size four diaper
*Is wearing 18 month clothing
* Has EIGHT teeth (and they are sharp!)
* Is very vocal- he will shriek and make 'ma' and 'da' noises.
He'll say 'uh' when he's trying to get your attention. It's hilarious when he's "calling" for his sisters when they're in another room.
*Is still breastfeeding (Go me! I didn't nurse either of the girls for this long. I'm proud of myself.) He's still not super enthusiastic about baby food. He does have a few favorites that he'll scarf down every time. Sweet potatoes and chicken is probably his most favorite.
*Crawls...backward. Ha ha! He hasn't figured out how to move in a forward motion but he can scoot backwards with the best of them! We can't leave him anywhere and walk away because he won't be in that same place when you come back.
*Is a GIANT mama's boy. Even if Daddy's holding him he will cry when I walk away. Like a scream-bloody-murder-cry.
*loves to be outside and gets pretty upset when the girls or The Husband try to go outside without him.
We just love him so much!
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