Tuesday, December 6, 2011

September wrap up

It's been brought to my attention that I don't update my blog...
It's not like I don't have things to blog about,
I've just had a couple of blah months where exhaustion and laziness got the better of me.
So I'll wrap up the month of September since I blogged last.

We had a play date at the aquarium.

 And then we got some unexpected news...
 After trying for over a year and having nothing happen, we had given up and that's when it happened.  The funny part was that the Husband didn't believe me!
The positive line on the test was so faint that he didn't believe it at all.  So I told him that I'd go buy one of the tests that spells out the word.
I had a little bit of a scare when I started spotting early on.  My doctor sent me for an ultrasound to verify viability and it was so awesome to see the tiny peanut's heart beat.  I didn't realized that you could see the heart beat so early.
My due date is supposed to be May 20th (the day after Maylyn's birthday) but the baby was measuring small and so they changed it to May 31st.  It's been changed since then but I'll get to that later.  They found a subchorionic hemorrhage, put me on a supplement, and limited my activities.  Unfortunately, that meant quitting my job.  So it's been a little scary and stressful but so far everything is going well.  The girls want a little brother.  Maylyn has already decided that Lightening would be a good name.  And Kaeleigh can't wait to change diapers.  :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm so excited to see your girls love on a new baby. Keep being lazy and keep that baby growing good.
