Monday, July 23, 2012

Blindfolded Spinning and a Haboob

Best blog title ever, right?
So Saturday morning I was sitting in our front living room nursing the baby when I hear crying.  My first response is, "What happened?"
Maylyn runs in, "Kaeleigh's hurt really bad!"
Kaeleigh walks in crying and her nose is swollen and blue-green.
Apparently she had been spinning around in her room BLINDFOLDED and tripped, smashing nose first into her bookcase.  Right where her glasses rest on the bridge of her nose.  So off to urgent care we all went.  Me, Ryan, Maylyn, and the clumsy spinner.
The place we went doesn't do facial x-rays but the doctor felt her nose and deemed it not broken but recommended she have a follow-up with an ENT doctor to make sure she didn't damage anything. 
Bookcase:  1  Kaeleigh:  0
When I was around Kaeleigh's age I was acting like a ding dong and fell on my face, breaking my front teeth. What goes around comes around, right Mom and Dad??
Totally scary thought.
Also on Saturday we had a haboob roll into town.
I took this picture from our backyard just before it hit.
I love summer monsoons...just not the dust storms that come along with them.

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