Wednesday, December 11, 2013


I’m annoyed with myself.  It’s nearly the end of the year and I’m way behind in posting.  Often times I will sit at my laptop and debate whether I should do one big recap post with a crap ton of pictures or several smaller catch up posts.  And then I get tired of sitting in my uncomfortable chair and don’t blog at all!  It’s pathetic.
I was ready to say forget it but my memory is horrible and if I don’t blog about it then it’s like it didn’t even happen.   I was looking through my pictures and I kept saying, “oh yeah, I forgot we did that!”  Since my last post in August was a catch up from May I’ll start my recap in June.

The school year goes clear into the middle of June up here in Washington.   Right before school was out there was a family BBQ at the girls’ school and Ryan and I went and had lunch with Kaeleigh and Maylyn.  They served the worst hamburger I’ve ever tasted.  I finally understood why the girls never wanted to eat in the cafeteria on hamburger day.  Bad food aside it was a nice picnic lunch with my girlies and Ryan.  He loved seeing his sisters in the middle of the day and to see all of the other kids running around.  

Our neighborhood hosted an End of the School Year party at the splash pad complete with bounce houses, a deejay, and free ice cream.  It was awesome but a little too cool for the splash pad.   Imagine it being too cool for a splash pad in June.  That would never happen in Arizona.
Ryan started walking in June at 13 months old.  His favorite thing to do is walk to the mailbox.  I just love these pictures of my two favorite guys walking to check the mail.

We celebrated my 31st birthday in June.  I don’t know what happened to my 30th year.  It flew by.  The husband had been out of town on my actual birthday and three days later was Father’s Day so we did a joint celebration at Olive Garden.  

Summer fun with our neighbors.

The big boy.

Ryan swung in a swing for the first time and loved it. He had his first race with our neighbor’s three year old.  Ryan also got to meet the biggest dog he’d ever seen up close.  He looks scared but I swear he wasn’t.  That little boy just loves animals. 

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